New Year's Challenge


January is a good month to start something new and I am looking for some kind of creative challenge this year. The Alphabet project was useful for me, but I found it hard to keep a rhythm and, say, finish one letter in a week. So one of the criteria for the new challenge is to create something quick and easy to post on a daily basis.

The projects like “N days of…” are a great way to improve any creative skill. Some people decide to continue their own challenges even after 100 days! Isn't that exciting? Our boundaries are bigger than we suppose. Or we can expand them by doing small steps. 

I always thought that daily side projects were made by people who had too much free time. In reality it's the opposite. Finding time for everyday activity is hard and requires saying NO to other things. I would love to try a dozen of projects such as watercolor and pastel painting, fashion illustration, collage-making, drawing humans, etc. The list is long, but it's impossible to find time for everything.

Let it be a #35daysofpatterns challenge with a daily updates on Instagram and weekly blog post summaries. One pattern a day, any medium, no constrains (that's for the next time). 


35 Days of Patterns: Week 1


Alphabet Exploration