100 Days of Lettering: Part 5

Collect Moments Not Things | Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com

The most interesting experiment over the last ten days was the painting “Collect Moments Not Things.” I found this phrase few months ago and kept it in mind to illustrate one day. Then my lettering project came out, so I decided it was a perfect chance to create this piece. After trying different layouts I ended up with the one below. At first I planned to make this work 100% digital, but I didn't get enough vivid look by applying different colors and textures. At some point I decided to play with acrylic paints. After all, why not? Although the whole experiment was fun, I’ve made a biggest mistake by using a small piece of paper (about 9 in x 12 in). Painting tiny letters was much harder than I expected, so all my lines were a little bit shaky. Nevertheless I am quite happy with the textured background and all those colorful layers appearing through one another. Well, I've learned my lesson, so the next time I decide to paint a lettering piece, I will definitely use a much bigger canvas.

Collect Moments not Things | Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
Makers gonna Make | Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
Take Chances | Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com

Sign Painter Typeface


100 Days of Lettering: Part 4