100 Days of Lettering: Part 8

Woody Allen's quote “Eighty percent of success is showing up” | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com

I immediately fell in love with this quote by Woody Allen, since it sounds like a perfect motivational poster for any creative person. It took me approximately 10 hours to finish this piece from the first sketch to the final vector work. I still see few places where I would add more details, but for the purpose of this project I will keep it as it is for the moment. The rest of the work is the usual brush lettering.

Woody Allen's quote “Eighty percent of success is showing up” | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
Joie de vivre | French expression meaning the “Joy of living” | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
Made with love | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
Trust the process | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
Russian word “Dream” |  typeandgraphicslab.com

Russian word “Dream” |  typeandgraphicslab.com

Eat, sleep, travel | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
Go outside | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
All things are possible | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com
Zero risk, zero fun | 100 Days of Lettering by Type and Graphics Lab | typeandgraphicslab.com

100 Days of Lettering: Part 9


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