Typography in Bruxelles
Bruxelles is a perfect place to get some typography inspiration. I went there last month and was amazed by the beautiful signages in the city center. While trying to identify some typefaces, I found Fonts in Use. The website contains a public collection of typography classified by typeface, format, and industry. Everyone can contribute any kind of design, as long as the typography is visible. This website has a large collection of signages, facilitating the search of the most popular typefaces. Thanks to Fonts in Use, I was able to identify the Broadway typeface represented on the last picture. The rest is more tricky, but I would like to submit few examples from my collection and get the typeface references. Stay tuned!
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Typography in Europe
My european collection of typography from signages and shop windows was increased recently so that the amount is enough for one blog post. I hope you'll enjoy it!
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Typography in France. Part 1.
I found some great examples of signage in my photo archive and I would like to share them with you. All these pictures were made in France (in Rouen). In some cases the typography looks really clean and modern, while others are more old-style and decorative. While living there I didn't pay too much attention to all these beautiful letters, but now I am really glad that I took all these pictures. It's a great source of inspiration for me. Enjoy!
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